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Customizing objects

The biggest advantage of Total Launcher is that you can customize all the details of an object, regardless of its type. All objects have their own options set to customize it. These options can be quickly accessed by pressing the option button on the top menu bar while the object is selected.
For example, you can change the row/column number, app launching animation, icon size, label visibility and so on for an app drawer widget. Here is a video for how to customize an app drawer to the list type.

Watch the video


1. Grid and Circle Layouts


- Columns (grid layout) : Column number of the grid layout.

- Rows (grid layout) : Row number of the grid layout.

- Number of items (circle layout) : Total number of items on the layout.

- Launch animation : Set the animation running while launching an item (app or shortcut). It can be ignored when the item is a shortcut or by the implementation of the app.


- Icon size : The icon size of each item, in pixels.

- Icon padding : Margins around of the icon, % of the icon size.

- Icon opacity : Opacity of the icon, 100% = full, 0% = transparent.

- Icon saturation : Saturation of the icon, 100% = full, 0% = gray scaled.

- Icon color filter : A color to draw over the icon.


- Show label : Turn off to hide item labels.

- Typeface : Font and style for the labels.

- Label lines : Number of lines in a label.

- Font size : Font size for the labels.

- Scale X : 100% = normal, >100% = wider, <100% = narrow.

- Text color : Color of the labels.

- Shadow color : Color of the label shadow.

- Shadow radius : Thickness of the shadow, in pixel, 0 = no shadow.

- Shadow offset X : Horizontal offset of the shadow, in pixel.

- Shadow offset Y : Vertical offset of the shadow, in pixel.


- Background : Background of the layout.

- Margins : Margins around of the layout.

- Item background : Background of each items.

- Item background (pressed) : Background of each items when pressed.

- Item background (focused) : Background of each items when focused.

- Item spacing : Distance between items, in pixel.


2. App Drawer and App Group widgets


- Grid type : Turn off this option to make it list type.

- Columns : Column number when it is grid type, ignored when list type.

- Rows : Row number of the widget.

- System scroll animation : Turn on this option to use normal scrolling animation.

- Snap scroll : Scrolls not to cut the items on the top or bottom when settling.

- Hide scrollbar : Hides the scrollbar on the right side.

- Launch animation : Set the animation running while launching an item (app or shortcut). It can be ignored when the item is a shortcut or by the implementation of the app.

- Categorize items (app drawer) : Categorize and divide items by item type or its initial letters. Ignored when the sorting order is "user defined" (refer to the "shared options" section in App drawer).

- Untagged items only (app drawer) : Turn on to display only the items with no tag at all (to know about "tag", refer to the "bottom menu bar" section in App drawer).


- Icon size : The icon size of each item, in pixels.

- Icon padding : Margins around of the icon, % of the icon size.

- Icon opacity : Opacity of the icon, 100% = full, 0% = transparent.

- Icon saturation : Saturation of the icon, 100% = full, 0% = gray scaled.

- Icon color filter : A color to draw over the icon.


- Show label : Turn off to hide item labels.

- Typeface : Font and style for the labels.

- Label lines : Number of lines in a label.

- Font size : Font size for the labels.

- Scale X : 100% = normal, >100% = wider, <100% = narrow.

- Text color : Color of the labels.

- Shadow color : Color of the label shadow.

- Shadow radius : Thickness of the shadow, in pixel, 0 = no shadow.

- Shadow offset X : Horizontal offset of the shadow, in pixel.

- Shadow offset Y : Vertical offset of the shadow, in pixel.


- Background : Background of the widget.

- Margins : Margins around of the widget.

- Item background : Background of each items.

- Item background (pressed) : Background of each items when pressed.

- Item background (focused) : Background of each items when focused.

- Item spacing : Distance between items, in pixel.

[Menu bar] (App drawer)

- Menu background : Background of the bottom menu bar (refer to the "bottom menu bar" section in App drawer).

- Menu icon: Add : Icon color or image for the "Add" menu.

- Menu icon: Sort : Icon color or image for the "Sort" menu.

- Menu icon: Tag : Icon color or image for the "Tag" menu.

- Menu icon: Search : Icon color or image for the "Search" menu.

- Clear menu icon : Icon color or image for the "Clear" menu.

- Menu text color : Text color on the menu bar.

- Menu text typeface : Typeface for the text on the menu bar.

3. Contacts widget


- Family name first : This option can be applied to the Western style names.

- Show even if no number : Display all contacts, including items with no phone number.

- Long-click call : Enables direct-call to the default number by long-click.

- Grid type : Turn off this option to make it list type.

- Columns : Column number when it is grid type, ignored when list type.

- Rows : Row number of the widget.

- System scroll animation : Turn on this option to use normal scrolling animation.

- Snap scroll : Scrolls not to cut the items on the top or bottom when settling.

- Hide scrollbar : Hides the scrollbar on the right side.

- Default photo : Set a default photo for the items with no photo.


- Icon size : The icon size of each item, in pixels.

- Icon padding : Margins around of the icon, % of the icon size.


- Show label : Turn off to hide item labels.

- Typeface : Font and style for the labels.

- Label lines : Number of lines in a label.

- Font size : Font size for the labels.

- Scale X : 100% = normal, >100% = wider, <100% = narrow.

- Text color : Color of the labels.

- Shadow color : Color of the label shadow.

- Shadow radius : Thickness of the shadow, in pixel, 0 = no shadow.

- Shadow offset X : Horizontal offset of the shadow, in pixel.

- Shadow offset Y : Vertical offset of the shadow, in pixel.


- Background : Background of the widget.

- Margins : Margins around of the widget.

- Item background : Background of each items.

- Item background (pressed) : Background of each items when pressed.

- Item background (focused) : Background of each items when focused.

- Item spacing : Distance between items, in pixel.

[Menu bar]

- Menu background : Background of the bottom menu bar.

- Menu icon: Add : Icon color or image for the "Add" menu.

- Menu icon: Star on : Icon color or image for the "Star on" menu.

- Menu icon: Star off : Icon color or image for the "Star off" menu.

- Menu icon: Dial : Icon color or image for the "Dial" menu.

- Menu icon: Sort : Icon color or image for the "Sort" menu.

Menu icon: Group : Icon color or image for the "Group" menu.

- Menu icon: Search : Icon color or image for the "Search" menu.

- Clear menu icon : Icon color or image for the "Clear" menu.

- Menu text color : Text color on the menu bar.

- Menu text typeface : Typeface for the text on the menu bar.

4. Media controller

This is a fancy widget to control a media app that supports the MediaController API of Android framework. There are many media player apps supporting the API in the store. 
Google Music, Poweramp Music Player and Pulsar Music Player are good for it.

- Target : Target application to control.

- Control box size : The height of the control buttons, in pixel.

- Text size : The font size of title and artist, in pixel.

- Text color : The font color of title and artist.

- Icon color : The color of the control buttons and playing animation icon.

- Skin : A foreground image that covers the album art and text but lays under the control buttons.

Background : Background of the widget.

Margins : Margins around the widget.

5. Page indicator

This widget shows where you are on the pages.

- Background : Background of the widget.

- Page (current) : A color or image for the current page.

- Page (normal) : A color or image for a page that is flipped out currently.

- Home (current) : A color or image for the current page and it is set to home. (refer to the "Changing home page" section in Managing pages.)

- Home (normal) : A color or image for a page that is flipped out and not home.

6. Analog clock

- Time zone : Set time zone to use.

- Hour hand : A color or image for the hour hand. Set transparent color to hide it.

- Minute hand : A color or image for the minute hand. Set transparent color to hide it.

- Second hand : A color or image for the second hand. Set transparent color to hide it.

- Background : Background of the widget.

- Margins : Margins around the widget.

7. Compass

- Compass skin : An image for the compass skin.

- Color filter : A color to draw over the skin.

- Background : Background of the widget.

- Margins : Margins around the widget.

8. Circle indicator

This widget shows the current status for one of the battery, RAM usage, storage and SD card.

- Target : One of the battery, RAM usage, storage and SD card.

- Color : Content color.

Background : Background of the widget.

Margins : Margins around the widget.

9. Drawer handle

This widget implements a expanded trigger area to pull out a sliding drawer. Please refer to the Sliding drawer section to know more in detail.

- Target : A sliding drawer which this widget works for.

- Image : A icon image to use instead of the default arrow icon.

- Color filter : Color filter for the icon.

Background : Background of the widget.

Margins : Margins around the widget.

10. Application widget

This is an object wrapping a 3rd party widget supported by Android framework.

- Background : Background of the widget.

- Margins : Margins around the widget.

Rounded corner radius : The radius of rounded corners. No round when zero. Since 3rd party widgets have their own margins, you should cut them off first by putting some negative margins to show perfectly rounded corners.

- Opacity(%) : Opacity of the widget, 100% = full, 0% = transparent.


11. Text

- Text : Text to display. "Plain text" is some unchanging words. The others are all changing dynamically.  Refer to Dynamic text & images for more information.

- Capitalize all : Capitalize all letters in the text.

- Typeface : Font and style of the text.

- Font size : The text size, in pixel.

Scale X : 100% = normal, >100% = wider, <100% = narrow.

Text color : Color of the text.

Text color (pressed) : Color of the text when it is pressed.

Shadow color : Color of the text shadow.

Shadow radius : Thickness of the shadow, in pixel, 0 = no shadow.

Shadow offset X : Horizontal offset of the shadow, in pixel.

Shadow offset Y : Vertical offset of the shadow, in pixel.

Background : Background of the graphic.

- Margins : Margins around the graphic.

- Alignment : Text alignment.

12. Image

- Image : One of color, icon (from an icon pack), shape, image and dynamic image.
"Dynamic image" is an image that changes depending on the status. Refer to Dynamic text & images for more information.

- Image (pressed) : A color or image when pressed. When a color is set, the color is drawn over the above image.

- Keep aspect ratio of image : When the graphic object has a different aspect ratio in size from the image, it crops the image to keep the aspect ratio of the image.

- Opacity(%) : Opacity of the image, 100% = full, 0% = transparent.

Saturation(%) : Saturation of the image, 100% = full, 0% = gray scaled.

Color filter : A color to draw over the image.

Background : Background of the graphic.

- Margins : Margins around the graphic.

13. Mixed

A "Mixed" graphic is a set of graphic objects, which are "grouped". Refer to the "Group/Ungroup of graphic objects" section in Handling objects.

Background : Background of the graphic.

- Margins : Margins around the graphic.


All components are listed here. Just tap one to customize it.

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