#v2.10.7 (2023.09.07)
- preparing for the Amazon Appstore launch
- fixed some bugs
#v2.10.6 (2023.08.10)
- fixed some bugs
#v2.10.5 (2023.05.30)
- new launcher action: "Change wallpaper"
- Media controller shows currently running media app when the target app is not selected
- added "Control box offset" and "Hide on no session" in the media controller widget options
- fixed some bugs
#v2.10.4 (2023.05.18)
- fixed some bugs and optimized
#v2.10.3 (2023.04.20)
- fixed wrong alarm time
- fixed some bugs
- fixed some bugs
#v2.10.2 (2023.04.13)
- made launch animation run properly on Android 12+
- less faded out during a transition animation between two objects
- added "Show FF/FR" in the media controller widget options
- fixed some bugs
#v2.10.1 (2023.02.26)
- fixed some bugs
#v2.10.0 (2023.02.07)
- supports "Shadow" for the background of graphic objects
- added the "Suggest" button on editing margins (it's useful for shadow background object)
- new widget: Slider
- more launcher actions for Tasker plugin
- supports using an image to fill a shape
- fixed some bugs and optimized
#v2.9.9 (2022.11.22)
- fixed the crash when using WiFi hotspot dynamic text/image on Android 12+
- fixed some bugs
#v2.9.7-8 (2022.09.30)
- added "Configure widget" in the options of a 3rd party widget
- fixed the error where the "Flipping page" page transition animation does not work for in-app purchases
- fixed some bugs and optimized
#v2.9.5 (2022.06.14)
- added "Use search index" in the options for App drawer/Contacts widgets
- fixed some bugs
#v2.9.4 (2022.04.28)
- made font size smaller for lower dpi devices
- fixed some bugs
#v2.9.3 (2022.04.07)
- fixed some bugs
#v2.9.2 (2022.03.22)
- fixed the soft keyboard issue on the color picker dialog
- fix font size not affected by system settings
- fixed some bugs
#v2.9.1 (2022.03.21)
- fixed the crashes on editing an object on a window
- fixed some bugs
#v2.9.0 (2022.03.17)
- renewed the app design
- added "Support foldable screen" in the Behavior options
- added "Use app shortcuts panel" in the app drawer options
- fixed some bugs and optimized
#v2.8.10 (2021.07.22)
- fixed the issue for the WiFi launcher action
- fixed some bugs
#v2.8.9 (2021.07.13)
- fixed some bugs
#v2.8.8 (2021.06.27)
- fixed app icon issues
- fixed some bugs
#v2.8.7 (2021.06.25)
- resolved the image quality issue of App wallpaper
- fixed some bugs
#v2.8.6 (2021.06.12)
- fixed some bugs
#v2.8.5 (2021.06.03)
- fixed Tasker variable bug
- fixed some bugs
#v2.8.4 (2021.06.01)
#v2.8.1-3 (2021.05.31)- fixed some bugs
- supports Indonesian
- supports In-app purchase to unlock the premium features
- resolved some issues for Android 11
- supports "App wallpaper" that is applied only to the launcher itself
- new widget : App drawer (pager)
- added "Built-in tags" in the app drawer options
- added "Typeface", "Rounded corner radius" in the media controller widget options
- new launcher action: "Select app" (for theme developers)
- new dynamic text for available RAM, storage and sd cards in GB
- fixed many bugs and optimized
#v2.7.5 (2020.10.12)
#v2.7.4 (2020.09.17)
#v2.7.3 (2020.09.10)
#v2.7.2 (2020.08.26)
#v2.7.1 (2020.08.17)
- fixed some bugs
#v2.7.0 (2020.08.10)
- changed app design partially
- supports adaptive icon packs
- fixed some bugs
#v2.7.4 (2020.09.17)
- resolved some issues on Android 11
- fixed some bugs
#v2.7.3 (2020.09.10)
- resolved drawing issues for blurry shapes on the landscape mode
- fixed the bug to make the grayscale option work properly when settings wallpaper
- fixed some bugs#v2.7.2 (2020.08.26)
- resolved drawing issues for blurry shapes on the landscape mode
- fixed some bugs#v2.7.1 (2020.08.17)
- fixed some bugs
#v2.7.0 (2020.08.10)
- changed app design partially
- added new function to scale and move all objects on a page or window
- new widget: Media controller, Circle indicator
- added "Edit lock level" in the Behavior options
- replaced "Dark UI" to "UI theme" in the UI & Animation options for Android 9.0+
- added "Daily wallpaper" in the UI & Animation options
- added "Quick scroll" in the options for App drawer/Contacts widget
- can keep current folders and categories when restoring
- added "Border width" and "Border color" in the shape options
- fixed some bugs and optimization
#v2.6.18 (2020.03.09)
- fixed battery drain issue when using gif image
- fixed some bugs
#v2.6.17 (2020.02.11)
- fixed the issue of not applying the item icons in a layout from a theme
- fixed some bugs
#v2.6.16 (2020.01.23)
- fixed some issues for Sliding drawer and drawer handle
- added "Close sliding drawer" for launcher action
- fixed some bugs
#v2.6.15 (2019.12.06)
- supports Hungarian
- newest gif image library update
- fixed some bugs
#v2.6.14 (2019.11.12)
- supports full screen properly for notch
- supports disabling groups individually in contacts widget
- fixed some bugs and optimization
#v2.6.13 (2019.09.28)
- fixed layout enlargement issue after closing a landscape app
#v2.6.12 (2019.09.20)
- fixed some bugs
#v2.6.10-11 (2019.09.13)
- fixed the error of image loading
- fixed some bugs
#v2.6.9 (2019.09.10)
- fixed the app crash on Android 4.2 or lower
- fixed some bugs
#v2.6.8 (2019.09.03)
- fixed some bugs and optimized
#v2.6.7 (2019.08.16)
- added "Gesture to close" in folder style options
- fixed some bugs
#v2.6.6 (2019.08.12)
- fixed some bugs
#v2.6.4-5 (2019.08.08)
- fixed some bugs
#v2.6.3 (2019.08.06)
- fixed some bugs
#v2.6.1-2 (2019.08.05)
- supports "Sliding drawers" pulling out from the 4 edges :
added relative options in the UI & animation section
- added new options for adaptive icons in the icon style options
- new launcher actions: open the left/right/top/bottom sliding drawer, show status bar, show navigation bar, set home page to
- added "Number of smart pick" for app drawer in the behavior options
- added "GPS interval" in the behavior options
- added "Group items" in the options of contacts widget
- better notifications panel for app
- shadow of window/folder is properly applied by the background shape
- fixed some bugs and optimized
#v2.5.3-4 (2019.02.08)
- added "Do not disturb" for dynamic image and text
- fixed some bugs
#v2.5.2 (2019.02.01)
- added "Recently installed" for the temporary sort of the app drawer
- fixed some bugs and optimized
#v2.5.1 (2019.01.29)
- fixed some bugs
#v2.5.0 (2019.01.24)
- partially changed UI design
- added "Enter action" in the behavior options
- added "Use notification icon" in the badge count options
- added new dynamic text : SD card usage, Available SD card, Variable (for supporting "Send variable" for Tasker plug-in)
- added "Rounded corner radius" for the icon of contacts widget
- supports editing an image in the image picker screen
- applies ripple effect for click
- fixed some bugs and optimized
#v2.4.9 (2018.10.16)
- counting "missed calls" and "unread messages" is not supported any more to comply a new Google permission policy
- made some improvement in counting notifications
- added new dynamic text: "Notification ticker text"
- faster app launch when tapping on a graphic object
- fixed some bugs
#v2.4.8 (2018.10.08)
- fixed some bugs
#v2.4.7 (2018.09.05)
- works better on Android 9.0
- fixed errors dealing with notch for Android 8.0+
- fixed some bugs
#v2.4.6 (2018.08.27)
- fixed errors in handling app shortcuts for Android 8.0+
- made folder open faster
- support exporting backup to sdcard for Android 7.0+
- fixed some bugs
#v2.4.5 (2018.08.03)
- fixed the license issue on some cases
- fixed some bugs
#v2.4.4 (2018.07.30)
- fixed the issue applying icon pack issue in some devices
- fixed some bugs
#v2.4.3 (2018.07.27)
- now all permissions can be disallowed
- fixed some bugs and optimized
#v2.4.2 (2018.07.07)
- fixed some bugs
#v2.4.1 (2018.07.04)
- quick bug fix
#v2.4.0 (2018.07.03)
- partially changed app design
- RTL layout support
- new launcher actions: "Close a window", "Scroll current page to"
- added new page transition animation: "From back", "From front"
- added "Pinch out" in the key & gestures options
- fixed some bugs
#v2.3.5 (2018.05.01)
- changed the search bar color
- enlarged the icon size of app shortcuts
- fixed some bugs
#v2.3.4 (2018.04.25)
- fixed some bugs
#v2.3.3 (2018.04.19)
- fixed some bugs
#v2.3.2 (2018.03.28)
- supports "Android for work" feature for widgets
- fixed some bugs
#v2.3.1 (2018.03.23)
- resolved the issue for counting unread Gmails
- fixed some bugs
#v2.3.0 (2018.03.22)
- added "Group" menu for contacts widget
- newly organized "Badge count" options
- added "Action on close" and "Delay of action on close" in window options
- added "Animation duration" for transition animation in the object animation options
- new launch animation: "Popup"
- fixed some bugs
#v2.2.7 (2017.12.15)
- fixed some bugs
#v2.2.6 (2017.12.04)
- added "sorting order" option for app group widget
- fixed some bugs
#v2.2.5 (2017.11.29)
- fixed a bug of color picker on Android 8.0 (Oreo)
- fixed some bugs
#v2.2.4 (2017.11.22)
- fixed some crashes on Android 8.0 (Oreo)
- fixed some bugs
#v2.2.3 (2017.11.20)
- added "blur amount for shape" in the animation & UI options
- fixed some bugs
#v2.2.2 (2017.11.17)
- fixed some bugs
#v2.2.1 (2017.11.16)
- quick bug fix
#v2.2.0 (2017.11.16)
- Applying Google best practices for using permissions
- supports "Android for work"
- supports filling a shape with "blurred wallpaper"
- supports dynmaic image for window background
- fixed some bugs and optimized
#v2.1.8 (2017.09.26)
- fixed some crashes
#v2.1.7 (2017.09.25)
- added "rounded corner radius" option for application widget
- fixed a bug in updating analog clock widget
- fixed some bugs
#v2.1.5 (2017.09.20)
- fixed a bug that a sequence is not saved properly when it is set as an action
- fixed some bugs
#v2.1.4 (2017.09.19)
- quick bug fix
#v2.1.2-3 (2017.09.19)
- supports creating a shortcut from outside by another app in Android 8.0
- added numerical edit feature for resizing of window
- fixed some bugs
#v2.1.1 (2017.09.06)
- fixed some bugs
#v2.1.0 (2017.09.05)
- supports transition animation between 2 objects on a page and a window or on 2 different windows
- new launcher actions: brightness level, auto brightness, media volume level, auto-rotate screen
- new widget: analog clock
- added "item spacing" option for app group, app drawer, contact and layouts
- fixed some bugs
#v2.0.3 (2017.08.17)
- added "icon padding" option for app group, app drawer, contact and layouts
- fixed some bugs
#v2.0.1 (2017.08.16)
- full changes of UX
- new object type: circle layout, grid layout
- added "Sequence" which runs multiple actions at once
- many new launch animations: no animation, fast, enter from back...
- supports to "pin to all pages" for object
- new behavior options: force to add shortcut, password, menu lock, hidden lock
- new UI options: enter animation, dark UI
- new folder style options: item width, item height
- supports window copying
- fixed some bugs and optimized
- fixed battery drain issue when using gif image
- fixed some bugs
#v2.6.17 (2020.02.11)
- fixed the issue of not applying the item icons in a layout from a theme
- fixed some bugs
#v2.6.16 (2020.01.23)
- fixed some issues for Sliding drawer and drawer handle
- added "Close sliding drawer" for launcher action
- fixed some bugs
#v2.6.15 (2019.12.06)
- supports Hungarian
- newest gif image library update
- fixed some bugs
#v2.6.14 (2019.11.12)
- supports full screen properly for notch
- supports disabling groups individually in contacts widget
- fixed some bugs and optimization
#v2.6.13 (2019.09.28)
- fixed layout enlargement issue after closing a landscape app
#v2.6.12 (2019.09.20)
- fixed some bugs
#v2.6.10-11 (2019.09.13)
- fixed the error of image loading
- fixed some bugs
#v2.6.9 (2019.09.10)
- fixed the app crash on Android 4.2 or lower
- fixed some bugs
#v2.6.8 (2019.09.03)
- fixed some bugs and optimized
#v2.6.7 (2019.08.16)
- added "Gesture to close" in folder style options
- fixed some bugs
#v2.6.6 (2019.08.12)
- fixed some bugs
#v2.6.4-5 (2019.08.08)
- fixed some bugs
#v2.6.3 (2019.08.06)
- fixed some bugs
#v2.6.1-2 (2019.08.05)
- supports "Sliding drawers" pulling out from the 4 edges :
added relative options in the UI & animation section
- added new options for adaptive icons in the icon style options
- new launcher actions: open the left/right/top/bottom sliding drawer, show status bar, show navigation bar, set home page to
- added "Number of smart pick" for app drawer in the behavior options
- added "GPS interval" in the behavior options
- added "Group items" in the options of contacts widget
- better notifications panel for app
- shadow of window/folder is properly applied by the background shape
- fixed some bugs and optimized
#v2.5.3-4 (2019.02.08)
- added "Do not disturb" for dynamic image and text
- fixed some bugs
#v2.5.2 (2019.02.01)
- added "Recently installed" for the temporary sort of the app drawer
- fixed some bugs and optimized
#v2.5.1 (2019.01.29)
- fixed some bugs
#v2.5.0 (2019.01.24)
- partially changed UI design
- added "Enter action" in the behavior options
- added "Use notification icon" in the badge count options
- added new dynamic text : SD card usage, Available SD card, Variable (for supporting "Send variable" for Tasker plug-in)
- added "Rounded corner radius" for the icon of contacts widget
- supports editing an image in the image picker screen
- applies ripple effect for click
- fixed some bugs and optimized
#v2.4.9 (2018.10.16)
- counting "missed calls" and "unread messages" is not supported any more to comply a new Google permission policy
- made some improvement in counting notifications
- added new dynamic text: "Notification ticker text"
- faster app launch when tapping on a graphic object
- fixed some bugs
#v2.4.8 (2018.10.08)
- fixed some bugs
#v2.4.7 (2018.09.05)
- works better on Android 9.0
- fixed errors dealing with notch for Android 8.0+
- fixed some bugs
#v2.4.6 (2018.08.27)
- fixed errors in handling app shortcuts for Android 8.0+
- made folder open faster
- support exporting backup to sdcard for Android 7.0+
- fixed some bugs
#v2.4.5 (2018.08.03)
- fixed the license issue on some cases
- fixed some bugs
#v2.4.4 (2018.07.30)
- fixed the issue applying icon pack issue in some devices
- fixed some bugs
#v2.4.3 (2018.07.27)
- now all permissions can be disallowed
- fixed some bugs and optimized
#v2.4.2 (2018.07.07)
- fixed some bugs
#v2.4.1 (2018.07.04)
- quick bug fix
#v2.4.0 (2018.07.03)
- partially changed app design
- RTL layout support
- new launcher actions: "Close a window", "Scroll current page to"
- added new page transition animation: "From back", "From front"
- added "Pinch out" in the key & gestures options
- fixed some bugs
#v2.3.5 (2018.05.01)
- changed the search bar color
- enlarged the icon size of app shortcuts
- fixed some bugs
#v2.3.4 (2018.04.25)
- fixed some bugs
#v2.3.3 (2018.04.19)
- fixed some bugs
#v2.3.2 (2018.03.28)
- supports "Android for work" feature for widgets
- fixed some bugs
#v2.3.1 (2018.03.23)
- resolved the issue for counting unread Gmails
- fixed some bugs
#v2.3.0 (2018.03.22)
- added "Group" menu for contacts widget
- newly organized "Badge count" options
- added "Action on close" and "Delay of action on close" in window options
- added "Animation duration" for transition animation in the object animation options
- new launch animation: "Popup"
- fixed some bugs
#v2.2.7 (2017.12.15)
- fixed some bugs
#v2.2.6 (2017.12.04)
- added "sorting order" option for app group widget
- fixed some bugs
#v2.2.5 (2017.11.29)
- fixed a bug of color picker on Android 8.0 (Oreo)
- fixed some bugs
#v2.2.4 (2017.11.22)
- fixed some crashes on Android 8.0 (Oreo)
- fixed some bugs
#v2.2.3 (2017.11.20)
- added "blur amount for shape" in the animation & UI options
- fixed some bugs
#v2.2.2 (2017.11.17)
- fixed some bugs
#v2.2.1 (2017.11.16)
- quick bug fix
#v2.2.0 (2017.11.16)
- Applying Google best practices for using permissions
- supports "Android for work"
- supports filling a shape with "blurred wallpaper"
- supports dynmaic image for window background
- fixed some bugs and optimized
#v2.1.8 (2017.09.26)
- fixed some crashes
#v2.1.7 (2017.09.25)
- added "rounded corner radius" option for application widget
- fixed a bug in updating analog clock widget
- fixed some bugs
#v2.1.5 (2017.09.20)
- fixed a bug that a sequence is not saved properly when it is set as an action
- fixed some bugs
#v2.1.4 (2017.09.19)
- quick bug fix
#v2.1.2-3 (2017.09.19)
- supports creating a shortcut from outside by another app in Android 8.0
- added numerical edit feature for resizing of window
- fixed some bugs
#v2.1.1 (2017.09.06)
- fixed some bugs
#v2.1.0 (2017.09.05)
- supports transition animation between 2 objects on a page and a window or on 2 different windows
- new launcher actions: brightness level, auto brightness, media volume level, auto-rotate screen
- new widget: analog clock
- added "item spacing" option for app group, app drawer, contact and layouts
- fixed some bugs
#v2.0.3 (2017.08.17)
- added "icon padding" option for app group, app drawer, contact and layouts
- fixed some bugs
- full changes of UX
- new object type: circle layout, grid layout
- added "Sequence" which runs multiple actions at once
- many new launch animations: no animation, fast, enter from back...
- supports to "pin to all pages" for object
- new behavior options: force to add shortcut, password, menu lock, hidden lock
- new UI options: enter animation, dark UI
- new folder style options: item width, item height
- supports window copying
- fixed some bugs and optimized